Last Updated: 05.06.2020

It’s A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood?

neighborhood disputes, baltimore criminal lawyer, assault, malicious destruction, harrassment

Not all of us have hi-diddly-ho neighbors like Ned Flanders from the Simpsons’. Don’t let your neighborhood dispute-areno wreck your life!

Neighborhood disputes are all too common.  They arise from a number of issues from noise complaints, issues arising from parking arrangements, malicious destruction of property, assault behavior, and harassment.  Not all neighbors are created equal.  Serious issues may arise that cannot be solved with a simple phone call and in Baltimore, this Baltimore Criminal lawyer has seen fights over shoveled out parking spots turn deadly.


If you are experiencing problems with your neighbor(s), follow these steps:

  1. Try talking to them to resolve the dispute in a “neighborly” way.  Hopefully, the issues can be resolved by talking in a calm, clear manner, if not, move on to step two.
  2. DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT! If there is evidence of the issue occurring, i.e. parking in another person’s spot, damage to property, etc., photograph it, or in certain circumstances, videotape it.  Home surveillance cameras are excellent in recording events when people aren’t looking.  Keep these pictures and videos in a safe place.
  3. If there are any witnesses to the events, politely ask them for their information and a statement about what they saw.  These witnesses may be used at trial to help prove your case.
  4. If there is an emergency or you feel threatened for any reason, call the police.  They are there to protect you.  DO NOT TAKE MATTERS INTO YOUR OWN HANDS! The police are there for the safety of you, your family, your property, and the general safety of the public.  The police can also act as witnesses at trial as to what they observed about the incident.
  5. DO NOT TALK ABOUT THE INCIDENT! DO NOT POST INFORMATION REGARDING THE INCIDENT ON ANY SOCIAL MEDIA SITE! There is no telling who may be able to see what you post on a social media site like Facebook or Twitter.  These statements may be presented at trial as evidence against you.
  6. Call a lawyer.  Neighborly disputes can escalate quickly and get ugly.  Having a lawyer on your side will ensure that you retain your rights and will help you navigate through the dispute.


If a neighbor has filed charges (for assault, malicious destruction, or harassment) against you, call an attorney immediately.  Do not try to contact the person regarding the charges.  They may perceive the contact as harassment and could make the situation worse.  Let your Baltimore Criminal Lawyer speak for you.  Also, as we’ve stated here and in other posts, DO NOT TALK ABOUT THE CHARGES! DO NOT POST INFORMATION REGARDING THE CHARGES OR THE INCIDENT ON ANY SOCIAL MEDIA SITE! What you say on these sites may be used against you, especially in a criminal prosecution.

Maryland Criminal Lawyer: WHAT’S GOING TO HAPPEN WITH MY CASE?

Depending on the nature of the charges and the circumstances surrounding the incident, many different outcomes may result from your case.  Hiring an experienced Baltimore Criminal Lawyer will greatly increase the chances of having a positive outcome with your case.  Neighborhood disputes can be a messy affair and affect the relationship between people and their community.  To ensure that your case is resolved effectively, call the lawyers at ENLawyers today to schedule a free 1-hour consultation regarding your case.  You do not have to handle these situations on your own.  Call us to see how we can help.