Last Updated: 04.15.2020

Every new business must be aware of the legal factors that affect development and operations. For small businesses, these may be influenced by industry type, state laws, and business type, in addition to a number of other considerations. Here, the EN Lawyers discuss what potential small business owners should consider when forming a business, and how staying alert to certain legal matters can help business owners to stay ahead. 

Starting a small business requires a substantial amount of planning. Having a clear direction for your business will be an important factor during its development process, as this will help guide your industry research and ensure that you fulfill the necessary legal requirements. A well-formulated business plan outlines an entrepreneur’s business goals and ideas, expectations for the business and requirements for a start-up. This tool can provide a potential business owner with a solid foundation and can be used when gaining approvals and obtaining required licenses and credentials. To have your business plan reviewed, click here.

Starting a business requires risk. There is no guarantee that any business will be successful. Businesses require time, commitment, money, and a great deal of responsibility, and there is a chance that, despite having all of these requirements fulfilled, a business may fail. The most successful companies and businesses do not become that way overnight.  It is important to initially consider the amount of time and patience it will take for you to get your idea up and running, and maintain realistic expectations throughout the process.

It is vital that you understand the legal constraints and factors that influence the business landscape in your state before setting up your venture. The State of Maryland taxes businesses differently depending on the entity’s legal structure. As such, it is important to understand the different types of business structures and how they may affect your business in the long run.  Additionally, business owners must consider state and federal employment laws, and any additional regulations governing their industry, such as health and safety regulations, specific licenses, and intellectual property protections.

ENLawyers Bottom Line

The experienced business advisory attorneys at The Law Offices of Eldridge and Crandell can help small businesses with both routine and more complex business start-up issues. Our business advisory services are built on several key principles:

  • Treat each client as a valued customer
  • Conduct litigation and other services with the goal of cost-effectiveness for the client
  • Build a long-term relationship with each client

As a result, our small business clients do not face unexpected legal costs or issues having legal problems resolved effectively and quickly. The EN Lawyers offer comprehensive business start-up consultations, business document review, and business document drafting and creation for small businesses. If you are a small business owner or are interested in taking the first steps to start your business, contact The Law Offices of Eldridge and Crandell to schedule a consultation.